Big Names from Waste to Energy Industry to Speak : Energy from Waste Conference 2018 to Focus on Economic and Operational Best Practice

energy from waste conference london waste to energy
© MA Business

The Energy from Waste Conference 2018, taking place 27th February-1st March 2018 in London, will have a theme of Economic and Operational Best Practice for Successful Energy from Waste Project Delivery.

The organisers, MA Business, have also unveiled details of the conference programme and speaker line-up for the event, which is hosted in association with Recycling Waste World magazine. The conference is now open for delegate bookings at:

The annual Energy from Waste Conference, now in its 14th year, offers an extensive programme designed to promote discussion and debate among the international energy from waste industry, thought leaders and key decision makers. The opening keynote on 28th February will be delivered by CEWEP president and Indaver CEO, Paul De Bruycker.

Returning to chair the proceedings is Ian Crummack, Managing Director of Cobalt Energy who commented:

“The UK waste industry is facing a series of ongoing challenges from Brexit, devolution and the volatile state of British and European politics. Lack of certainty around the domestic agenda and the continued absence of clear energy policy creates additional pressure for the sector at a time when the UK needs to demonstrate its investment credentials.

“The Energy from Waste Conference will be an ideal forum to explore and debate these issues, and to identify opportunities for growth."

Conference highlights include a panel debate discussing finance strategies for successful project delivery, a review and discussion of where EFW stands in the circular economy, heat networks review and a session that will look at skills, training and diversity in the EfW industry.

The event includes an impressive line-up of renowned international speakers, with input from technologists, academia and industry. The programme hosts professionals representing Andusia, Eunomia, Suez, Wood plc, BTMU, Ramboll and Technik Gruppe plus many more.


Delegates will also have a choice of workshop streams covering subjects including Myth Busting: what is the secret of getting the Environmental Permit, business plan best practice for successful project delivery, developments in heat networks and gaining local authority planning permission.

Additionally, delegates are invited to attend an exclusive site visit to the London’s largest EFW plant. The site is operated by Cory Riverside at Belvedere on the banks of the river Thames. Delegates will have the opportunity to see technology in action and discover how Cory uses the river as a green highway to deliver the Capital’s waste to site.

An exhibition of leading suppliers and service providers runs simultaneously alongside the two-day conference providing direct access for delegates to leading industrial technology and service specialists.

Throughout the event attendees can request and book one-to-one meetings with fellow attendees, speakers and exhibitors via the online meeting booking system.

Finally, delegates and exhibitors are invited to attend the relaxed and informal drinks reception to celebrate a successful first day of conference.

For the full conference schedule and to book online visit: