New Report: Five Key Interventions to Cut Food Waste : WRAP & WWF – No Time to Lose on Food Waste in EU

food waste wrap wwf EU

A new report by WWF and WRAP, Halving food loss and waste in the EU by 2030: the major steps needed to accelerate progress (available (available HERE) has offered new analyses of the EU’s progress on Food Loss and Waste (FLW) and set out clear guidance for governments, industry, researchers and NGOs on how to reach this target.

This report identifies key interventions with high but still untapped potential to significantly reduce FLW along the whole supply chain. Such action needs to be boosted in the next decade and accompanied by a more conducive EU policy framework. The main recommendations from the report in this regard are:

MEASUREMENT: Ensure the most consistent and robust measurement of FLW across EU Member States, to establish an accurate and reliable baseline of food waste levels for the Union.

TARGETS: Stimulate action by Member States with the announced setting in 2023 of EU targets for food waste reduction, which must be at least as ambitious as SDG12.3 and aim to halve food loss and waste from farm to fork and from bait to plate by 2030.

BUSINESSES: As part of the initiative to improve the corporate governance framework, establish a requirement for businesses over a certain size to measure and report their company’s food waste figures.

AGRICULTURE: Work closely with Member States and provide them with tailored recommendations so that Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) funds are allocated to FLW prevention actions at farm level and early processing stages.

VALORISATION: Provide funding support to research and innovation in FLW, with a specific focus on the safe and efficient valorisation of waste streams into processed food, animal feed, chemicals or other material

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