Maxine Perella

About Maxine Perella Maxine Perella, freelance journalist

More from Maxine Perella

  • Toilet Board Coalition’s Explores Role of Sanitation in the Circular Economy

    IN DEPTH: People Power Processing Organic & Human Waste

    Globally, millions live without sanitary toilets and with food and organic wastes rotting in the street. Maxine Perella explains how those...

  • High Quality Recycled Materials from High Quality Sorting Systems

    IN DEPTH: How the Automotive Industry is Driving Towards the Circular Economy

    Car makers are under increasing pressure to optimise materials making the use of recycled content challenging. But as Maxine Perella...

  • Cross Sector Effort Needed by Recyclers and Producers to Develop Standards

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    With growing concern across the plastics value chain WMW looks at a number of ambitious recently been launched circular economy initiatives.

  • Internet of Things Central to Fourth Industrial Revolution & Circular Economy

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    We stand on the brink of the fourth industrial revolution. It will fundamentally alter the way we live, work and relate to one another....