Sustainability : Dinslaken Wood Energy Centre: Modern waste wood treatment for a CO2-neutral future

The turnkey contract included the delivery, installation, and commissioning of two incineration process lines that thermally treat 190,000 tonnes of waste wood annually. This will save over 125,000 tonnes of CO2 per year - an important contribution to reducing the proportion of fossil fuels required and to achieving climate neutrality, which the City of Dinslaken is aiming for by 2045.
The heart of the plant - the incineration - is based on the tried-and-tested water-cooled reciprocating grate, which has been adapted to the properties of the biomass fuel. The thermal capacity is 49.5 MW per line, with steam parameters of 405°C and 42 bar. By utilising the climate-friendly energy contained in the waste wood, the plant will provide around 380 GWh of heat and 100 GWh of electricity per year in an almost climate-neutral combined heat and power system.
The integrated Circoclean® facility for flue gas cleaning and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) ensure compliance with the strict European BAT (Best Available Techniques) emission requirements. The plant is the first of its kind to fully fulfil the BAT requirements, making it a reference plant in terms of environmental and climate protection.
The commissioning of the Dinslaken Wood Energy Centre was celebrated on the site of the new facility on 6 September 2024. Numerous high-ranking guests from politics and business, including Mona Neubaur, Minister for Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, were attending. Together with the DHE, Doosan Lentjes celebrated this important milestone on the path to a CO2-neutral energy future.
At the Berlin Conference on Waste Management and Energy 2025 (BKAWE), Doosan Lentjes and the DHE will give a presentation highlighting the concept, performance, and initial operating experience of the Dinslaken Wood Energy Centre. This will not only honour the innovative character of the plant, but also show the way towards a CO2-free energy supply.
The Dinslaken Wood Energy Centre is an example of how waste wood can be converted into usable energy in an effective and environmentally friendly way. It thus makes a significant contribution to the decarbonisation of the region and shows what sustainable energy generation could look like in the future.
One highlight of the project is the 360° construction documentation, which accompanied the entire process from the very beginning. Interested parties can gain a detailed insight into the construction progress.