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SatrindTech : Join us at Ecomondo 2024 and discover our new shredder model with overload protection damping system!

Damping System, Ecomondo 24
© Satrindtech

The damping system effectively isolates the electric transmission components, consisting of the motor and planetary gear reducer, from the shredder’s main drive (gearbox and shafts). In the event of a blockage during the shredding phase, the dry friction discs slip, and a sensor connected to the PLC detects that the shredder’s shafts have stopped while the motor shaft is still rotating. This triggers the motor to stop within fractions of a second, protecting the drive mechanism. The system also signals any anomalies, which must be resolved before restarting the machine.

The damping system is made up of two sections connected by friction discs, which transmit torque through adjustable springs. This allows the maximum transmittable torque to be set and adapted to specific operational needs. Over time, the natural wear of the discs can reduce the preload on the springs, but our technicians are ready to intervene during maintenance to adjust the compression and restore optimal performance.

The damping system is pre-adjusted by SatrindTech according to the shredder’s characteristics, ensuring optimal performance right from the first use.

We look forward to meeting you at Ecomondo 2024, Hall A1, Booth 407-306, to showcase all the technological innovations SatrindTech has to offer!