Australian Waste Industry Event Takes Place : MRA Consulting Makes a Splash at Coffs Waste 2019 Conference

The Coffs Waste 2019 conference has been and gone, running from 14-16 May at Opal Cove Resort in Coffs Harbour. As always, it was a well attended conference.
Some 645 delegates from around Australia and abroad to three days of proceedings at the recent Coffs Waste 2019 conference. More than 80 exhibitors showcased how they are advancing the waste industry through novel machinery and services.
Among the near 100 sessions, MRA Consulting Group presented five sessions. On the second day, Dee Davidian presented on The cost of abandonment of bulky waste.
The final day of the conference was a busy day too and saw Mike Ritchie chairing the State roundup – policy & strategy Panel Discussion and facilitating the CDS session, Virginia Brunton Busting the FOGO myths (Organics & FOGO Stream) and Ron Wainberg wondering What’s going on with waste management in NSW (Regulation Stream).
Summarising the event Ritchie said:
“The Coffs conference provided a unique opportunity to get all policymakers on the same stage at the same time. It was clear that the “ship of state” is moving towards Resource Recovery and principles underlying the circular economy. It was also clear that States are operating on different timelines and with different priorities.
“On the positive side, all States are moving towards market-based pricing and policy interventions to drive Resource Recovery.
“There is considerable room for improved coordination among States and with the federal government. One key initiative would be for the States and Territories with the federal government to produce a six monthly update on implementation of the National Waste Policy and other agreed actions. This would provide clarity to stakeholders on the direction and speed of reform.”
The presentations are available online HERE
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