40,000 Attendees Produced Over 1 tonne of Food Waste Every Day : VIDEO: Food Waste from COP21 Talks Used for Biogas Production

When any large group comes together to work on a project on the scale of the recent COP21 climate talks held in Paris, they have to eat. Unfortunately the inevitable consequence of that is food waste. Voice of America has published a video looking at what happened to the huge quantities generated by delegates to the talks.
The 40,000 people attending the talks were fed by six restaurants. The result? Over one tonne of food waste to dispose of every day.
To process the food waste from the talks specialist firm Moulinot uses an anaerobic digestion facility to produce biogas for energy generation.
According to Serge Verdier, director of the Bionerval AD facility where the COP21 food waste waste taken, the scraps from a typical meal can produce enough energy to power a laptop computer for two hours.
The video report can be watched below.
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