Paid Engagement
Doha, Quatar : 2nd Waste Management Conference & Exhibition 2022
Topics to be discussed
- The circular economy of a sustainable solid waste management system.
- New technology to collect and separate from the source.
- New technologies for 18R's.
- Reducing and treating food waste.
- Reducing and treating agricultural waste.
- Challenges of waste management in times of crisis.
- International best practices in waste management in developed countries.
- Rehabilitation of landfills.
Who can attend?
- Governmental and semi-governmental institutions and departments.
- Local companies and factories for waste treatment.
- Local and international cleaning companies.
- International companies specialized in recycling waste and converting it into fertilizers and recyclable materials.
- Technology companies and modern technologies to convert waste into energy.
- Modern technology and techniques for the treatment of hazardous and medical waste.
- Companies specialized in the treatment of liquid waste.
- Youth initiatives, entrepreneurs and those interested in preserving the environment.
- Local agents of equipment and trucks related to waste management.
- Companies specialized in manufacturing containers.
- Companies responsible for handling tires and construction waste.
Companies responsible for handling tires and construction waste.