Vecoplan : Domestic and industrial waste

Do you want to process waste efficiently and return it to the materials cycle? Vecoplan supplies complete processing plants for this purpose. With its solutions, you can pick up various materials after delivery, store them, free them from impurities, shred them into a high-quality output and transport them. To achieve all of this, Vecoplan can supply you with a range of machines, including powerful pre- and post-shredders, metal separators, conveyor belts and screening & separating units. Step-by-step, the material flow is separated into its various fractions and processed as required. You’ll benefit from coordinated systems with high levels of availability and economic efficiency.
Residual waste is optimally handled by shredding it in mechanical-biological waste treatment plants (MBT) and separating the various recyclable materials from each other. Another use of residual waste is thermal utilisation in a waste incineration plant. The heat released is used both to generate electricity and to provide heat.
Increasing the recycling rate of packaging with the aim of recycling more valuable materials than before is a key issue in the circular economy. In order to efficiently recycle the packaging collected in bags, this waste must be continuously and reliably sorted.
Bulky waste chiefly includes discarded furniture, mattresses, wallpaper remnants and old carpets. Nowadays, most bulky waste can be recycled for materials and energy.
Commercial municipal waste (also abbreviated to commercial waste) is municipal waste from sources other than private households, in particular commercial and industrial waste as well as waste from private and public institutions. This waste is similar to waste from private households due to its nature or composition and must be disposed of in the same way.
However, commercial municipal waste also includes other production-specific waste from other sources, such as workshop waste, cleaning rags containing mineral oil, paint buckets or non-infectious waste, leather waste, metal waste, including shavings from metalworking and metal processing.
Vecoplan has solutions for the processing of waste
VVZ – Pre-shredder
Our Vecoplan VVZ double-shaft shredder pre-shreds difficult and contaminated materials containing impurities, such as domestic, bulky and commercial waste and production residues.
VNZ – Re-shredder
For value and material recovery, you can efficiently process pre-shredded domestic waste and even sorting residues into separable material with our VNZ double-shaft post-shredder.
VRZ – Pre-shredder ripping system
Instead of conventional cutting tools, our VRZ shredder has sickle-shaped ripping teeth which rip up and tear even bulky materials.
VSA – Bag opener
Our VSA (Vecoplan Bag Opener) will open yellow bags almost 100 % automatically and empty them gently without destroying any recyclable materials.