Increases in Labour, Equipment & Insurance Costs Justify Rise : Waste & Recycling Association Calls for in New York City Rate Cap

New York City’s Business Integrity Commission (BIC) has heard testimony from representatives of the New York City chapter of the National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA) in which they called for an increase in the rate cap to what private carters can charge commercial customers they serve.
“We encourage and call for the BIC — due to the business conditions of the last two years — to grant the private carting industry a rate cap increase no less than the one granted in November 2013. Based on discussions with chapter members, we believe the increase in equipment, labor and insurance costs- three major primary features of a carter’s cost of doing business- justify the request,” said Steve Changaris, NWRA regional manager, in his testimony before the BIC.
The organisation explained that carters and others recognise that the rate cap is an obsolete component of the BIC oversight process, but noted that New York City is the only locality in the country where a rate cap on commercial wastes and recyclables exists.
According to the NWRA the success of the BIC, combined with the robust competition in the marketplace, has allowed many credible city authorities, including former leaders of this commission, to echo this same call over the years.
“The rate cap is an antiquated vestige that was made to deal with problems of a prior generation, these issues no longer exist” said Thomas N. Toscano, NWRA Chapter Chair. “To change this industry for the future the rate cap needs to be eliminated, or at least raised beyond the historic 3% only when a crisis arises.”
NWRA representatives testifying before the BIC included regional manager Steve Changaris, Toscano and other members of the Association.
All spoke of evolving economic trends, the industry’s commitment to being on the cutting edge of environmental innovations and their responsibility to providing good stable jobs that pay well and allow workers to live and care for their families in NYC.
They also explained that the private waste industry collects and manage more than 75% of the commercial trade waste and recyclables produced by the city’s 225,000 plus commercial entities.
“Laborers Local 108 is proud of the partnerships that it has with its employers and we stand in agreement that a rate increase is needed in our industry” added Mike Hellstrom the business manager and secretary treasurer of Laborers Local Union 108. “The commission should be moving to abolish the cap in its entirety.”
“This effort to achieve increases in the rate cap is not about enriching carters,” he continued. “This is about creating and maintaining a healthy, robust, and competitive marketplace that has high standards and meets the needs of NYC businesses.”
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