IFAT 2024 : A new B2B sustainability network, solution tours and green pioneers

GoGreen Pioneers @ IFAT Munich
How can exhibiting companies make their trade fair appearance more sustainable? What new and innovative measures are being implemented for this? At IFAT Munich 2024, twelve exhibitors will present their sustainability approaches for a more environmentally friendly trade fair appearance as so-called “GoGreen Pioneers”. Further information is available during IFAT Munich in the GoGreen Lounge in the East Entrance and in advance here.
IFAT Munich Solution Tours
This year, IFAT Munich is offering around 20 Solution Tours on a wide range of environmental technology topics. The tours are led by industry experts from the associations and other partners of IFAT Munich. Up to five selected stands offering new ideas and concrete solutions for the respective tour topic will be visited. Each tour lasts between 60 and 90 minutes and includes a keynote speech. Missed the tour? As a new feature, the tours can be replayed digitally and with an audio guide at any time. For more information on the Solution Tours, visit the website.
bgreen leaders @ IFAT Munich
bgreen leaders, the joint B2B sustainability network of CIRCULAZE and Messe München, was launched at the beginning of March. The new network can be experienced live at IFAT Munich on 15 May. The event will kick off with the official launch of bgreen leaders on the Green Stage in the presence of Stefan Rummel, CEO of Messe München Group, Dr Johannes Kirchhoff, board member of the BDI Circular Economy Initiative, and Claus Schuster and Natascha Zeljko, co-founders of CIRCULAZE. The bgreen leaders' day offers a unique platform to explore the latest trends and best practices in the circular economy. The event brings together industry leaders to discuss the power of collaboration, the role of networks in environmental change and corporate responsibility. Highlights include sessions showcasing innovative approaches and strategies for implementing circular practices in companies will be presented. The day will conclude with an Executive Dinner and an impulse on energy transition issues. Information on the bgreen leaders is available online. The daily programme for the bgreen leaders' day at IFAT is available here.