IFAT : IFAT: The highlights of the trade fair in Munich

IFAT Munich, world's leading trade fair for water, sewage, waste and raw materials management welcomes visitors from May 30–June 3, 2022 at the Messe München.
This years highlights are:
- Opening by Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke Monday, May 30, 11:00–11:30 a.m., Forum Water / Wastewater (Hall C3)
- Panel discussion: “How to create change? From environmental activism to environmental solutions and politics.” Monday, May 30, 11:45–13:00 a.m., Forum Water / Wastewater (Hall C3), with: Mikela Druckman (Founder, Recycling AI, WEF Global Future Council), Ren Xiaoyuan (Founder, Clean Water, UN Young Champion of the Earth), Sucheta Govil (Chief Commercial Officer of Covestro), Prof. Dr. Erich Zahn (Co-Author "The Limits to Growth", Club of Rome), Dr. Johannes Kirchhoff (Board Member of the Circular Economy Initiative of the Federation of German Industries, BDI).
- Special areas on circular economy: Recycling of a shampoo bottle ("Process World Plastics Recycling", Hall B5); best practice examples ("Best practice circular economy—the material flow of plastics", Hall A6); recycling of building materials in civil engineering ("Circular economy mineral resources and sustainability in the construction sector", Hall B4); obtained from wastewater: “Hydrogen in and from the circular economy” (outdoor area).
- Live demonstrations, including car and construction materials recycling (outdoor area)
- Solution tours on 16 topics, including "Heavy rain & flood prevention," "The water-conscious city—solutions from practice!" (registration via website)
- Almost 50 start-ups with solutions for water and wastewater treatment, waste and secondary raw materials as well as air pollution control and soil protection (Hall B4)