Ressource and Waste Management Event : RWM opening its doors

Thousands of visitors across the industry meeting providers, trying and testing state-of-the-art solutions, find out about the latest innovations and chat to experts. The RWM, a unique hub for business, innovation and technology to exchange, meet and develop connections is opening its doors on September 22 and 23 in Birmingham, UK.
With 10 theatres plus a main Keynote stage, the programme of seminars and expert panels of this years RWM promise high quality conference level content. From theatres focusing on business growth, innovations and future resources through to those looking at machinery, handling and logistics, materials and energy efficiencies, we will be covering a broad range of topics from waste management to the circular economy. The seminar programme features over 100 expert speakers from all sectors, who play a key role in defining the industry and developing revolutionary new technology and innovations.
Running alongside our speaker sessions are a range of panels featuring leaders from across the industry. These debates will address wide ranging topics throughout the recycling, resource and waste management industry.
More about the program of 2021 you find here. The full seminar agenda you'll find here. All the exhibitors of the 2021 event are available here. Register here for free and join the Resource Revolution!