19th International Symposium on Waste Management and Sustainable Landfilling : Sardinia Symposium: Programme now online!

Following the success of the previous edition, which saw the enthusiastic participation of 354 delegates from 46 countries, SARDINIA 2023 - 19th International Symposium on Waste Management and Sustainable Landfilling will be held in person from 9 to 13 October 2023 at the traditional venue of the Forte Village Resort in Santa Margherita di Pula, Italy.
Sardinia 2023 is organised by the International Waste Working Group (IWWG) with scientific support from the Universities of Padova (IT), BOKU (AT), Tongji (CN) and the Technical Universities of Luleå (SE) and Hamburg (DE). The event is under the patronage of the Italian Ministry of the Environment and under the auspices of Tavolo di Roma (IT).
Multifaceted programme
The scientific programme of Sardinia 2023 is structured in 8 parallel tracks and includes more than 450 presentations selected by the Programme Committee according to their quality.
The presentations are divided into oral sessions, workshops, active labs and poster sessions. Oral sessions last 90 minutes and include 5 or 6 presentations and a discussion. Workshops are primarily aimed at experts and are preceded by a series of introductory talks to open up discussion among participants. Active Labs are hands-on design laboratories where participants have the opportunity to apply theoretical concepts learned in the oral sessions to a real case study or practical activity with colleagues and experts as part of a working team.

In addition to these traditional sessions, the Symposium will include four afternoon plenary Focus Sessions dedicated to specific topics of high public interest. A moderator will guide the discussion between the experts and the audience after a state-of-the-art presentation and a statement by 2-3 experts in the field. The format and setting of the sessions are similar to a "talk show".
You can download the programme here and register here.
Waste Management World is a media partner of Sardinia 2023.