Waste Handling : Veolia's new Ecoservices helps identify hazardous waste

Leading resource management company, Veolia, has launched a new service specifically designed to help businesses that produce small volumes of waste which may include hazardous materials. By accurately identifying and compliantly collecting this waste the new solution, called Ecoservices, will provide efficient disposal and treatment of small amounts of hazardous and non-hazardous waste. Aimed at a wide range of businesses and other organisations the service will deliver a tailored approach specifically designed to meet the needs of each site.
The handling process segregates each item based on potential hazards, physical and chemical properties to ensure correct classification, storage and movement in accordance with UK legislation, and includes batteries, aerosols, paints, resins and other chemicals, light bulbs, and disposable PPE. The service also generates all the required regulatory paperwork to demonstrate that the necessary pre-acceptance and disposal considerations have been completed. Once collected, the materials are delivered to one of Veolia’s licensed facilities where the items undergo further checks prior to treatment, disposal or recycling.
Businesses that only produce small quantities of hazardous waste can benefit from the use of EcoBox, a system for the safe storage and disposal of small amounts of hazardous and non-hazardous waste, enabling different categories of waste to be stored in one conveniently sized container and preventing the need for multiple containers and on site waste segregation. Ecobox comprise secure and durable containers for the safe and compliant storage of limited quantities of a range of approved materials. Made from stackable rigid plastic that prevents leakage their use minimises any risk to staff and premises.
In addition, Veolia provides a range of storage containers to suit individual customer needs, including drums and fluorescent tube storage containers for the collection of more specific waste streams. Delivered on a nationwide basis the service is supported by a fleet of dedicated vehicles by means of a scheduled collection or when required.
Applications for this service are wide ranging and include cleaning products from offices, laboratory wastes from hospitals and research and development facilities, production wastes from all types of manufacturing operations, and samples or damaged/returned stock items such as perfumes, toiletries, aerosols and cosmetics from businesses.