Waste & Recycling Knowledge Transfer Agreement in Beirut : UNEP & Belgian Delegation Agree Waste Management Route for Lebanon

A second UN mission to Beirut, aimed at solving the current problems with solid waste management in Lebanon, has seen a delegation from Flanders join forces with the UN Environmental Program.
The delegation, led by the Antwerp alderman of Culture, Economics and City and Neighborhood Maintenance, Philip Heylen, stressed the urgent start of establishing a sustainable and integrated waste and material management and the development of a balanced solution in Lebanon.
Also present was Ive Vanderreydt, project manager at VITO – an independent European cleantech research and technology organization based in Belgium.
According to VITO politicians, policy makers and stakeholders in Lebanon have changed their minds in regards to the country’s approach to waste managemnet since the previous mission of October 2015.
The multidisciplinary team concluded that Lebanon has sufficient knowledge, know-how and strategies to elaborate and realise this waste and material management policy, in collaboration with the UNEP and experts from Flanders.
Moreover, the organisation said that the delegation had succeeded in persuading the Lebanese officials to enter into an agreement that will see knowledge transfer from Flanders to Lebanon.
It had previously been reported that Lebanon had been lining up an alternative destination to send its untreated waste after a deal to export to Sierra Leone.
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Social, economic and industrial development in the Arab region, coupled with an expanding population has created an explosion in the generation of solid waste over recent decades. Dr Abdallah Nassour and colleagues from the University of Rostock examine some of the difficulties the region must overcome if it is to embrace a modern approach to solid waste management.