Common Sense Tips to Keep the Waste System Running : Advice for Residents from City of Arlington to Protect Waste Workers from Coronavirus

In Texas, the City of Arlington has published guidelines for the public to help protect waste and recycling collection workers.
The City noted that Republic Services crews are working diligently to continue to serve Arlington residents with kerbside waste and recycling collection services while experiencing an increase in volume of household set-outs.
To protect garbage and recycling staff during this time, this City is asking the following of residents:
Place all trash in tightly secured plastic bags
Do not place trash in boxes or other unsecured receptacles.
Do not place trash into any type of container. Only trash bags are acceptable kerbside
Do not place bulk and yard waste out for collection at this time. Due to the expected increase in residential trash volumes, crews must focus on collecting normal household materials that pose a health risk to the community
Continue to place recyclable materials loosely into recycling bins
DO NOT bag recyclable materials. It takes additional work for recycling crews to de-bag these materials. De-bagging materials can also pose a health risk to employees.
In a statement of its own regarding the situation, Republic Services said:
“We provide an essential service for communities across the nation, and like the police and fire departments, we have permission to continue to operate in circumstances like these to help protect and serve the public.
“We are closely monitoring developments to ensure we address issues quickly, effectively and – most importantly – safely. This includes continuing to work closely with public health experts and other advisors, as well as following guidance from the CDC.”
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