Department of Biotechnology Aims to Get Demonstration WtE Projects Running : Indian Government Call for Proposals on Waste to Energy Projects

The Indian government has launched a Call for Proposals on for Municipal Solid Waste to Energy projects under the Swachh Bharat (Clean India) Mission aimed at improving sanitation in the country.
The Department of Biotechnology, a part of the Indian Ministry of Science and Technology, explained that waste it currently disposed off unscientifically in open dumps and landfills, creating problems in public health and the environment.
Additionally the quantity of waste is said to be increasing with modern living standards and increased population. Due to higher investment costs the municipal authorities are unable to upgrade or scale up the facilities required for proper management of MSW.
While waste to energy projects has been proven worldwide, the Department said that the viability various technologies is yet to be demonstrated and established in India. It said that the main factors that determine the viability of waste to energy projects in the country are the scale of investment, plant capacity, availability of quality waste, statutory requirements and project risks.
The objective of the call for proposals is to develop and demonstrate. The technological options under consideration are composting, vermicomposting, anaerobic digestion/biomethanation, incineration, gasification and pyrolysis, production of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF).
The Department explained that the aim is the development and demonstration of “innovative and cost effective MSW management processes/technologies that could address above challenges and generate energy to make the process economic and suitable for integrated MSW management”.
The technologies should comply with upcoming Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016.
The scope of the call will be limited to cost effective, novel and innovative approaches for:
Treatment of municipal solid waste (may also include human feces)
Biological or/in combination with thermo‐chemical routes for generation of clean energy
Technologies for conversion of leachate generated from landfills
Technologies with minimum usage of resources like water , land and power
Resource recovery from waste
Safe re‐use, disposal of treated waste/by products generation.
The government said that demonstration projects may be set up in Public Private Partner ship model by engaging Indian entities with a maximum two year duration.
For more information on applications click HERE
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