Organisations Aim to Change Attitudes to Wasteful Use of Plastics : Plastic Oceans & Canadian Wildlife Federation to Tackle Single Use Plastics

The Canadian arm of Plastic Oceans, a global network of independent not-for-profits and charitable organisations, has teamed up with conservation charity, the Canadian Wildlife Federation.
Between them, the organisations are aiming to raise awareness and activate Canadians to “Rethink Plastic” with their petition to stop single use plastics.
Plastic Oceans explained that single use plastics have an average life use of only 12 minutes, yet they are made from a nondegradable product which takes 250ml of petroleum oil and 3 Litres of water to make a 1 litre plastic water bottle - 4000 of which are used every second!
It is estimated that over 2.86-billion bags are used annually in Canada. The organisation said that the “to-go” lifestyle has led to people becoming blind to its total over use.
In a blog post, Plastic Oceans’ executive director, Emma Langson, said:
“We need to consider whether the plastic we accept daily is destined for “single use” and most importantly, is it “essential” that we accept it?”
“It is the mission of Plastic Oceans Canada to help end our acceptance of plastic as a risk-free, ‘disposable’ material of convenience and increase demand for alternatives to single-use plastics.
“Working together with the Canadian Wildlife Federation for this single use plastic petition, we will trigger real social change toward how we think about plastic and the steps we can all take to safeguard the world’s oceans, animal life, and our own. Our goal is to help shape future demand for environmentally sensitive products and solutions.
It is only through awareness of the issue that people will begin to care. I believe we must be part of the solution, not just part of the problem.”
According to Langson, the CWF #StopSingleUse petition has potential to make great contributions to the way Canadians begin to engage in behavioral change in their own lives and families.
“Plastic Oceans Foundation Canada —through the power of film and in partnership with local community organizations—is helping Canadian consumers to become plastic literate, so they can make informed decisions about how and when they accept and manage plastic,” she said.
“We need to value this important material more and create a circular economy for plastics. We must all rethink plastic so that the risk to health and the environment is eliminated and the true cost and value of this amazing material is realised,” concluded Langson.
The petition can be signed HERE.
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