Commercial Scale Plant Backed with £5m from Energy Technologies Institute : 1.5MW Advanced Thermochemical Waste to Energy Project from SynTech & UK ETI
Morris, Illinois based SynTech Bioenergy, LLC, has completed an agreement to build a ‘first of its kind’ commercial scale 1.5 MW advanced thermochemical waste to energy facility in the UK in partnership with the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI).
The ETI is a public/private partnership between energy and engineering firms Rolls-Royce, BP, Shell, Caterpillar, EDF and the UK Government. For this project it is providing a £5 million matching investment.
Accordinf to SynTech its proprietary FluiMax® technology is capable of carbon negative and will convert sorted and processed municipal solid waste into continuous electrical power and heat.
Once operational the waste to energy plant will process around 40 tonnes per day of MSW and is expected to produce enough electrical power to supply 2500 homes and enough heat to over 1000 homes and a local senior center.
The company said that its FluiMax technology vents nothing to the atmosphere other than exhaust from the gas engine generator set which meet stringent EU and US air quality standards.
The process takes residual waste and processes it in a reactor where a therochemical reaction produces a syngas which can be used to generate electricity and heat. It can also be used to produce liquid fuels. The remaining ash can be used to produce concrete products or as a fertiliser.
SynTech said that several of its affiliates will join in the project, including the newly-formed SynTech Energy Centre UK Ltd.
“This project represents a new paradigm in and for the future of distributed, continuous and uninterrupted clean energy,” commented Wayne McFarland, SynTech’s CEO.
The company has affiliated US corporate and administrative, manufacturing and engineering operations near Chicago, IL and in Ames, Iowa. Its UK operations are based in Cambridge and near Birmingham. It also has distributors in Japan, Israel and South America.
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