Plant to Supply District Heating for 30,000 Homes : £70m Wood Waste to Energy Project Moves Forward in Fife, Scotland

Edinburgh based environmental and planning consultants, Atmos Consulting, has been appointed to provide planning consultancy services to support plans for a £70 million 19.8 MWe wood waste to energy plant in Glenrothes, Scotland.
Located in Fife, the plant is being developed by sustainable energy firm, Sainc Energy Limited. According to Atmos waste heat from the plant (in the region of 50 MW) will be used to provide heating for up to 30,000 homes.
The consultants added that The Glenrothes project will predominantly use waste from wood chips. The remaining feedstock will be sourced from construction, demolition and civic amenities sites as well as packaging – claimed to further reduce the plant’s overall carbon footprint.
“This low carbon development is important as an addition to the Scottish and UK economy and will make a positive contribution towards the UK’s 2020 renewable energy targets,” commented Kamaljit Sood, energy project manager at Sainc Energy.
The project is expected to support in the region of 120 jobs during its construction phase. Longer term the consultants said that it will also support a further 120 supply chain jobs during its operational phase.
The project will be run by a team of six dedicated professionals supported by specialists on a contract basis.
Local wood chip contracts to supply the plant are expected to have a value of around £4.5 million per year and ash from the facility will be recycled for use as a fertiliser.
“Biomass is an important source of renewable energy using material derived from living, or recently living organisms such as wood, plants and animal waste to generate electricity,” commented Atmos operations director, Jean Curran. “In Q4 2015, electricity generation from biomass provided 7% of the UK's overall renewable energy production.”
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