Waste to Energy Deal : Beauparc Signs 10yr Deal to Supply Skelton Grange Waste to Energy Facility

Leeds, UK based Associated Waste Management [AWM], part of the wider Irish utility firm, Beauparc Group of companies has signed a ten-year fuel supply agreement with US based waste to energy specialist Wheelabrator Technologies.
Multifuel Energy Limited (MEL) said that it’s Skelton Grange facility will divert up to 410,000 tonnes of non-recyclable waste from landfill or export and use to generate up to 47MW (gross) / 41MW (net) of partially renewable, baseload energy each year enough to power around 102,000 homes.
The combined heat and power-enabled facility will process business and residential waste from across Yorkshire and the wider region and export power to the National Grid.
Beauparc and Wheelabrator U.K. have previous history, working together on both the MEL FM1 and FM2 developments with SSE plc at Ferrybridge.
Brian McCabe, CEO for Beauparc commented “We’re delighted to be extending our relationship with Wheelabrator U.K. This deal will see AWM supplying Multifuel Energy Limited (MEL) facilities with over 250k tonnes of RDF annually.
The new Skelton Grange waste to energy facility will be situated a mile from AWM’s site in South Leeds, boosting the sustainability credentials of both businesses.”