A Practical Guide to Keeping Compliant with Waste Tire Law : BLOG: How to Get a Waste Tire Hauler Permit in California

Vic Lance founder of Lance Surety Bond Associates explains how to get а waste tire hauler permit in California…
According to the California Tire Recycling Act, anyone who transports 10 or more used or waste tires in the state must hold a waste tire hauler permit. While individuals may transport waste tires on a one-time use basis under the 'Amnesty Program' (after being granted permission by local authorities), anyone without such authorization must be licensed when transporting tires.
California Waste Tire Hauler Permit Requirements
To get registered as a waste tire hauler in the state, individuals must apply at the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle). Permits are issued and renewed on a yearly basis and expire on December 31. To get registered as haulers, individuals must:
●Complete the CalRecycle 60 application form
●Submit a $10,000 waste tire hauler bond (CIWMB 61)
There are no registration or application fees required when applying for a waste tire hauler permit in California. Registered individuals are required to stay compliant with the 'Manifest program' for used and waste tires (see below).
Commercial carriers and agricultural tire haulers may apply for exemptions to the permit requirement though only under specific conditions.
By completing the CalRecycle 241 exemption letter form, carriers can apply for a Back-Haul Exemption granting them the right to transport waste tires on the return trip of a destination load. This does not free the carrier from the requirement to manifest loads of 10 or more used/waste tires within the state of California.
Agricultural tire haulers may also apply for an exemption with the same form, however the same requirement to manifest loads applies to them.
Waste Tire Hauler Manifest Program
Under the Manifest program, registered haulers are required to manifest (log and report) the loads of tires they haul. To do so they must:
Obtain a Tire Program ID from CalRecycle
Have available copies of the Comprehensive Trip Log (CTL) form (CalRecycle 203)
Complete and maintain a CTL every time they haul waste tires
Ensure that the information in the CTL is up-to-date and accurate, disclosing the type and amount of the load
Retain such logs for the duration of 3 years from the date of hauling
Distribute copies of every CTL to the generator or end use facility operator and within 14 days to CalRecycle. The CTL can be sent to CalRecycle as a preaddressed, postage-paid self-mailer which is included in the CTL form.
Alternatively, if waste tire haulers prefer to submit CTLs electronically, they may do so through the Electronic Data Transfer (EDT) system, accessible through CalRecycle's website.
Waste Tire Hauler Bond Requirements
As pointed out, to get their waste tire hauler permit in California, applicants must submit a $10,000 surety bond. In essence, the surety bond is a financial guarantee extended by a surety bond company to the surety bond obligee (CalRecycle), in the name of the surety bond principal (the hauler).
The bond guarantees to CalRecycle that if a registered and bonded hauler is found to be in breach of the California Tire Recycling Act and the terms of the bond, CalRecycle can file a claim against the bond. By filing a claim against the bond, the obligee can demand financial compensation in the amount of losses and damages caused by the hauler up to the full amount of the bond ($10,000).
In return for having a claim backed by the surety, the bond principal must then repay the surety for the compensation it has extended to claimants.
Waste Tire Hauler Bond Cost
The total bond amount and a bond's cost can be confused at times. They are not the same though. The bond amount is the maximum amount of compensation that a surety may extend in the case of one or more claims. That amount is determined by the state and in the case of waste tire haulers is $10,000.
The bond cost is a premium the waste tire hauler must pay to obtain their bond. Usually that cost is a small fraction of the total bond amount, but the exact percentage is determined by sureties on an individual basis and there is no fixed price.
The financial health and strength of each applicant is what influences the surety's decision the most. Among all financial indicators, personal credit score typically has the strongest influence.
Want to Know More About Getting Your California Waste Tire Hauler Permit and Bond?
Do you have any questions regarding the application process for waste tire haulers in California? Let us know.
Vic Lance is the founder and president of Lance Surety Bond Associates.
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