Former PM Candidate and Energy Secretary to Take Charge of Environment : Brexit Reshuffle - Andrea Leadsom New Defra Minister
In the past hour Andrea Leadsom has been appointed as Secretary of State for the Department of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) in new Prime Minister, Theresa May's cabinet.
A vociferous ‘Brexiteer’ and candidate for the leadership of the UK Conservative Party, and with that the role of Prime Minister herself only days ago, Leadsom will now oversee a department responsible for ensuring compliance with key European environmental legislation, including significant rules governing the waste and recycling industry.
There is also growing speculation in Westminster that Leadsom’s previous department, the Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC), is to be merged with the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS).
Noted BBC financial journalist, Robert Peston Tweeted: “@andrealeadsom from potential leader to farms and environment in 3 days. Proper job but...That said, tricky Brexit unscrambling to do.”
Following questions raised about the accuracy of her CV, on hearing of the new appointment another commentator said: “Is that the same Andrea Leadsome who won the Nobel Prize for discovering the hole in the ozone layer.”
For comprehensive comment and opinion on the implications of the UK’s vote to leave the European Union be sure to read the forthcoming July/August issue of Waste Management World.
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ISWA Blog: Brexit – Uncertain Future for UK Waste Policy & The EU Itself
ISWA President, David Newman discusses the uncertainties created for the waste and environmental sectors by the UK’s decision to leave the EU.
Brexit – How the Waste & Recycling Industry Reacted to Referendum Result
Expressions of both fear and optimism have been expressed by senior figures in the waste and recycling industry this morning, following the UK’s referendum decision to leave the European Union.