Certification : C2 Management Joins TERRA
Virginia-based recycler C2 Management has announced it is joining The Electronics Reuse & Recycling Alliance (TERRA). The company wants "to continue to bring much needed attention to the issue of recycler certification", says C2 Management CEO Chris Hansen.
TERRA is a network of e-Stewards and Responsible Recycling (R2) certified e-scrap recycling and information technology asset disposition (ITAD) solution providers with secure destruction facilities across North America.
Hansen says he has built a company that prides itself on responsible reuse and recycling and has been R2 certified a decade ago. Lending advocacy to certification was key to the formation of TERRA, and membership requires either an R2 or e-Stewards certification.
TERRA President and CEO Steve Napoli says the unified message of responsible recycling is central for companies that are doing the right thing to compete for business. "Raising awareness of certification will eventually force government and the private sector to pay more attention to responsible recycling," Napoli says. "This will start to put the business in the hands of companies that are actually looking out for the planet. R2 and e-Stewards certified companies go through a rigorous annual auditing process that ensures environmental responsibility."
"The days of going it alone and protecting client lists at all costs are gone," Hansen says. "Transparency regarding best practices, environmental efficiency and the willingness to work with others are the types of strengths that are helping us grow today."