Hannover Conference Looking for Waste & Recycling Papers : Call for Papers & Presenters at Waste-to-Resources 2017
The international Waste-to-Resources 2017 conference and exhibition taking place in Hannover, Germany on 16th - 18th of May 2017 is seeking papers on Mechanical Biological Treatment and Material Recycling Facilities.
According to the organisers the 7th International Symposium MBT, MRF & Recycling
Has featured participants from up to 40 countries in previous years, and is world’s largest conference on MBT & MRFs.
The combination of conference and commercial exhibition is expected to make Waste-to-Resources 2017 a key event for operators, authorities, consultants and technology providers.
Topics covered will include:
MBT & MRF in different countries
Targets, legal aspects, boundary values
Waste treatment technologies compared
Ground breaking waste treatment and recovery technologies
Recycling and reuse of materials and devices
Competition and material (waste) streams
Functionality, economic efficiency & life cycle balance
Experience with new and rebuilt plants
New developments in machine and system engineering
Anaerobic digestion of organic waste fractions
Energy recovery by RDF power plants, gasification, liquefaction and more
Conditioning, use and sale of MBT & MRF output fractions (e.g. RDF, metals)
Latest sorting technologies
Process control and analytics
Emissions and their treatment
Bio-/Pyro and Hydro- char (HTC)
Disposal of residues from waste treatment
Fires in waste treatment plants: detection, extinguishing, prevention, insurance
If you are interested to become an author at Waste-to-Resources, please submit the following information until the 2nd of December to info@wasteconsult.de
The producers said that the leading authors / presenters (one person per paper) of the accepted papers for oral presentations will get free access to the conference, which also includes lunch, dinner and the conference proceedings.
The PowerPoint accompaniment to the presentations must be in English, but due to the simultaneous translation, the presentation itself be made in French, German or English.
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