When it comes to the concept of the circular economy, the question that often springs to mind is – how circular is it possible to be? The answer, at least for the foreseeable future, seems to be that there will always be materials which can no longer be usefully recovered in any way. The question then becomes – what to do with those materials? That question constitutes one of the key debates at the heart of the EU’s recently adopted Circular Economy Package.
There are two main options for treating residual waste - landfill and incineration at energy recovery facilities. While still widely used, in Europe at least, the use of waste to energy is on the rise and landfill is falling out of favour.
However, some argue that waste to energy sucks non-renewable materials that could have been recovered away from recycling, particularly given the current low commodity prices. Others point out that with proper pre-treatment more material could go to recycling, and there would still be a lot of unrecyclable waste.
In the run up to the EU Commission’s decision on the Circular Economy package arguments were made both for and against landfill bans for certain waste streams, untreated waste, or even the banning all residual waste from landfill.
“CEWEP has always advocated to reduce landfill as much as and as soon as possible,” Dr. Ella Stengler, managing director of CEWEP tells WMW. “But if you look at the facts, at how many Member States rely on landfill it’s not doable right away. The cap which is set at 10% of municipal waste which is allowed to be landfilled by 2030. It could have been more ambitious, but I also see the reality that these member states cannot change their whole waste system that quickly. But it’s definitely a step in the right direction.”
According Stengler diverting municipal waste from landfills could save around 92 million tonnes of CO2 emissions in EU-28 by 2030, approximately 8% of what the EU still has to cut to achieve its 2030 greenhouse gas emission targets.
However, in the wake of the package being adopted, predictably, not everyone was happy. "The proposal to address 'waste to energy' in the context of the Energy Union is alarming. Our economy needs prevention by smart designs, more reuse and more recycling – sustainable innovation, not more incineration,” comments Croatian MEP and Green environment spokesperson Davor Skrlec.
While he is in agreement with Stengler over the proposed 10% tolerance for landfill, he says that this “further weakens the waste recycling targets”.
To Ban or Not to Ban
On the other side of the argument, Zero Waste Europe argue that landfill bans disincentivise moving materials further up the waste hierarchy into recycling or even reuse. In a recent policy paper published by the organisation it claims that experience shows that landfill bans, if strictly applied, do little on their own to advance towards a zero waste circular economy. It can simply shift waste from one form of ‘leakage’ to another.
“Unless all treatment options which “break the loop” are considered, the consequence of banning or phasing out one of them will result in a transfer of waste to another,” asserted Joan-Marc Simon, Zero Waste Europe’s executive director. “This will create unnecessary tensions which in no way help to move towards a circular economy.”
Zero Waste Europe went as far as to say that the incineration of wastes should be subject to a tax equal to that of landfill.
Stengler disagrees: “I think it’s more effective to set targets with regard to landfill diversion. With taxes it’s more difficult. It’s not the prerogative of the Commission, it’s up to the Member States, but if the taxes differ there could be an unlevel playing field and distort the market. There are all sorts of risks and disadvantages – and it makes it more expensive. I’m not a fan of taxes. I think legal instruments and regulation are more effective when it comes to waste.”
While CEWEP welcomes the confirmation of the Commissions plan to cut landfill to a maximum of 10%, as well as increase the quality of secondary raw materials and introduce harmonised calculation methods for recycling, it says that it would have liked to see a more ambitious approach.
That’s a view echoed by the European Suppliers of Waste to Energy Technology (ESWET). The organisation says that “we must make sure that we bury nothing containing recoverable energy” and that it had hoped for more ambition to minimise landfilling of untreated municipal waste, but did concede that it is a step in the right direction.