San Sebastian to Replace Landfill with € 217m Energy from Waste Plant : Contract to Build 200,000 TPA Waste to Energy & MBT Plant Steinmüller in Spain

Waste to energy technology specialist, Steinmüller Babcock Environment GmbH, has won a contract to build a waste treatment centre in San Sebastian, the capital of the province of Gipuzkoa in Basque.
The Gummersbach, Germany, based firm explained that it will lead general contractor consortium and coordinate the planning, design, procurement, erection and commissioning of the complete complex and will erect the turnkey thermal waste to energy plant.
The plant includes a mechanical biological treatment (MBT) stage as well as two waste incineration lines with an annual capacity of 200,000 tonnes of municipal waste.
According to Steinmüller the energy generated will be enough to provide electrical power to more than 45,000 households.
The company also claimed that once operational in 2019, the plant will be one of the cleanest waste treatment plants in the world. This will be achieved by a three-stage flue gas cleaning concept.
In the first stage, sulphur dioxide and other acidic gases are separated by means of a dry sorption process based on bicarbonate. A second stage eliminates nitrogen oxides by the use of SCR catalysts. The third stage reduces the remaining acidic pollutants as well as dioxins and furans to a minimum via a lime hydrate-based sorption process.
The MBT and waste to energy plant will replace the current dispoal of waste in landfill.
The project represents an investment of € 217 million. The total project value including financing and 32-year operation is about € 770 million.
The contracting authority is a Spanish project company led by Urbaser S.A.. The project company is commissioned by local waste collector Gipuzkoako Hondakinen Kudeaketa SA to finance, construct and operate the waste treatment centre.
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