Deal to Develop Rookery South Waste to Energy Plant in Bedfordshire : Covanta & Veolia Join Forces on 50MW UK Waste to Energy Plant

New Jersey based waste to energy firm, Covanta and French environmental series company, Veolia are joining forces, to develop the 50 MW Energy Recovery Facility at Rookery South Pit near Stewartby, Bedfordshire, UK.
Veolia explained that the project, which was originally approved back in 2013 under the Development Consent Order procedures for the delivery of nationally important infrastructure, will now be developed as a joint effort under a Project Development Agreement with Covanta.
Once operational the facility is expected to generate over 50MW of electricity, create around 300 jobs during construction - with 40-50 permanent roles including apprenticeships – and allow for the future development of local district heating.
The waste to energy plant will be powered via municipal, commercial and industrial residual waste from the surrounding area.
The development is also planned to bring a range of local community, employment, infrastructure and environmental benefits through the legal agreements included within the consent for the site.
According to the developers, in the coming months the project team will work to achieve final approvals and complete project financing, while also engaging with key stakeholders and consultees, including reconvening a community liaison panel, to ensure that the development has minimal impact on the local communities and environment.
The partners said that construction is anticipated to commence by late 2017 with the waste to energy facility becoming operational in 2020.
In November 2014, aHigh Court judge has dismissed a judicial review of the Development Consent Order (DCO) granting planning permission to Covanta for a planned 65 MW waste to energy and material recycling facility at a former brick clay extraction pit, near Stewartby in Bedfordshire.
“We are pleased to have found a partner in Veolia that will help us develop this important growth project,” commented Matthew Mulcahy, Covanta senior vice president and head of corporate development.
“The facility will provide a vital outlet for the sustainable disposal of residual waste and deliver clean, renewable power to the grid,” he added. “It will also be designed to export steam to support a local district heating system or additional economic development projects.”
Estelle Brachlianoff, senior executive vice president, Veolia UK & Ireland added: “This project will contribute to increased landfill diversion and will help the UK meet its carbon reduction commitments.”
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High Court Backs Covantas 65 MW Rookery South Waste to Energy Project
A High Court judge has dismissed a judicial review of the Development Consent Order for Covantas 65 MW waste to energy and material recycling facility at a former brick clay extraction pit, near Stewartby in Bedfordshire.
65 MW Waste to Energy Facility Gets Thumbs Up from IFC
The Infrastructure Planning Commission has made the decision to give consent to the 65 MW Covanta Rookery South waste to energy development.