Additional Funding from Repak to Boost Beverage Can Recycling : Every Can Counts Recycling Programme Expands in Ireland

The Every Can Counts programme is expanding across the nation and there was no better place to start than at this year’s Electric Picnic.
The campaign aims to boost the recycling of drink cans whilst people are away from the home, and thanks to the additional funding from Repak, Every Can Counts will be found at more events than ever before.
Every Can Counts is a partnership formed between drink can manufacturers and the recycling industry, all with the goal to recycle more while out and about.
Whether studying, working, at events or festivals, Every Can Counts wants to increase the collection of cans and spread the word that aluminium or steel cans are endlessly recyclable. The programme is running in 12 countries across the EU and now plans to reach all 32 counties of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Repak, the industry funded body for packaging recycling, have entered into partnership with European Aluminium and the Metal Packaging Europe to fund the programme, and to further the recycling of beverage cans in Ireland outside of the home.
With the bright eye catching branding, fun messages and engaging games, the ambition is to capture the attention of all generations and inform them of the endless possibilities of metal and the benefits of recycling.
Over 1500 festival goers engaged with Every Can Counts at Electric Picnic. Our Every Can Counts ambassadors targeted festival goers with the message of recycling their can, whilst they were drinking from a can.
Located in the liveliest of campsites, the Jimi Hendrix, Every Can Counts brought games and of course, good craic.
Every Can Counts recycling representatives collected campsite cans in their unique can bin back packs. In exchange campers received freebies and could be entered into a competition to win tickets for next year’s festival.
Record numbers of music fans surrounded the ‘CAN You Kick It’ game, exchanging a can for three kicks of the ball. The response was overwhelming with many enthusiasts returning time and time again to recycle, play, and win.
As part of the above, our ambassadors collected current ECC awareness information of metal can recycling from surveyed participants.
It’s hoped that the information will prove useful to measure the current level of can recycling awareness and to establish metrics to measure improvements.
Róisín O’Brien, Every Can Counts Programme Manager said:
“The Every Can Counts programme provides a strong message to raise awareness of recycling drink cans. When you consider that cans are endlessly recyclable with no loss of quality, then it makes perfect sense to recycle each and every can.
"Overall I’m looking forward to having the opportunity to expand the Every Can Counts programme across Ireland. The response from Electric Picnic was very positive and highlighted the need for promoting recycling and engaging with festival goers at these type of events.”
Seamus Clancy, CEO Repak added: “Repak Limited welcomes the opportunity to partner with the Every Can Counts Ireland to drive and improve the message of metal can recycling. We need to continuously improve what we recycle and this is a very positive initiative that we are delighted to support.”
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