HD Visualisation of Temperature Patterns : HGH: When 24/7 Thermal Monitoring is Critical for Industrial Waste to Energy Plants
Process control and environmental monitoring of industrial plants is all about accurate thermal monitoring of kilns, furnaces or boilers. HGH’s solutions IR scanners are helping operators stay on top.
Power generation plants, waste incineration plants, cement, pulp and paper plants and more, all these industrial facilities require an optimized thermal monitoring of their process to increase plant performance whilst preserving the environment.
Designed to operate in harsh environments, HGH’s IR scanners and cameras are the ideal thermal monitoring equipment to reduce downtime and increase productivity of the plant.
Used in a variety of industries including cement, lime, incineration, recycling, powerplants, mining, metals and minerals, HGH’s infrared technology ensures continuous, efficient and reliable manufacturing processes while extending equipment lifetime.
Kilnscan thermal scanner displays the full temperature profile of the shell of rotary kilns, with a true one-brick resolution. Kilnscan will warn of any hot spot, coating build up and refractory wear at the earliest sign before damage.
Highly flexible, Kilnscan is designed to fit any kiln configuration, including multiple shadows, long kiln and free space limited. Requiring only minimal maintenance, Kilnscan provides reliable thermal data to guarantee the best operating efficiency of the plant.
While Kilnscan monitors the temperature outside of the kiln shell and is located some distance away from it, Pyroscan looks at the kiln or more generally combustion area, from the inside.
Pyroscan IR camera provides an HD visualization of temperature patterns and trends from inside kilns, furnaces, calcinators, cooler... Enabling the detection of any changes of the combustion and the visualization of temperature maps, Pyroscan ensures the thermal process is working efficiently.
This ruggedized HDR pyrometric camera is designed to work in very demanding and harsh conditions with dusty and smoky atmospheres and temperatures from 700°C to 1800°C.
The user can thus measure temperatures at any point of the burning zone inside kilns. Highly reliable, Pyroscan is ready to work within just a few hours, and requires neither routine calibration nor maintenance, providing to the end-user rapid return on investment and low cost of ownership.
Robust design, high-quality components and thorough testing processes have enabled HGH to achieve the best-in-class thermal monitoring systems.