Funding to Offset the Cost of Scrap Tire Collection and Recycling : Illegal Tire Dumping and Recycling Grant Applications in New Mexico
Applications for 2017‐2018 Recycling and Illegal Dumping (RAID) Fund grants for scrap tire management, illegal dumping abatement, and recycling projects are now being accepted by New Mexico’s Environment Department (NMED).
The department said that Municipalities, counties, solid waste authorities, cooperative associations (as defined in the RAID Act), land grant communities, pueblos, tribes, and nations are eligible for funds totaling $800,000.
Two thirds of the fund is available for scrap tire projects, and one third for other projects.
NMED added that it is encouranging ineligible entities to partner with eligible entities, and said that no matching funds or in‐kind contributions are required.
It also said that the application has been substantially shortened for this grant cycle to encourage the submittal of as many proposals as possible.
Applicants are being asked to apply for projects that will expend significant funding but should not be discouraged from applying for smaller projects as well.
Grant funding may be spent on offsetting the cost of scrap tire collection and recycling, establishing recycling facilities, purchasing equipment, performing marketing, purchasing products produced by a recycling facility, providing educational outreach, developing recycling infrastructure, abating illegal dumpsites, and contracting with vendors to promote recycling.
A list of grants funded over the last ten years is available for review on the NMED Solid Waste Bureau HERE
Applications are due no later than 5:00 PM on Friday, 13 January 13, 2017 and may be submitted by e‐mail, fax, mail, or in person.
Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis for the state fiscal year starting on July 1, 2017 and ending on June 30, 2018.
The department added that while projects must be completed within this time period, multi‐year projects designed with phases corresponding to these fiscal year grant cycles will receive special consideration.
For more information about the RAID grants or the upcoming grant cycle or to discuss project ideas, contact the NMED Recycling Program Coordinator, Neal Denton, at (505) 827‐2653 or
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