Increased Emissions Standards for Landfills Growing Market for Technology : Landfill Gas Scrubbing Deals for MV Technology in New Jersey and Massachusetts

Golden, Colorado based industrial waste and renewable fuels firm, Strategic Environmental & Energy Resources, Inc. (SEER) (OTCQB: SENR), has secured purchase orders for its proprietary H2SPlus™ System for a fourth New Jersey landfill and its first landfill project in Massachusetts.
The company explained that the deals have been done by its wholly owned subsidiary, MV Technologies and comprise two purchase orders whichhave an initial value of $1.4 million.
H2SPlus Systems are designed to remove low to moderate concentrations of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and mercaptans from gas and air streams.
According to MV technologies, in addition to the removal of sulfur-containing products, the system also will remove certain biodegradable, volatile, and semi-volatile hydrocarbon odors, together with amine odors.
The latest deals were said to bring MV's total installed base of H2SPlus Systems at landfills to 14, treating a combined 40,000 standard cubic feet (1133 cubic metres) per minute (SCFM) of landfill gas across the US.
MV added that it already has a number of other installations of its other systems at refineries, breweries, asphalt plants, and agricultural sites across the nation.
The New Jersey landfill is comprised of a six-vessel H2SPlus System with a treatment capacity of 3500 SCFM (99 cubic metres).
The company said that the system is expected to remove approximately 600 pounds (272 kg) of deadly hydrogen sulfide (H2S) on a daily basis, which translates into over 200 tons (182 kg) per year of harmful SO2.
H2S upon combustion is converted into SO2 and is one of the five major regulated greenhouse gases contributing to climate change.
The company said that its proprietary design and proprietary media, BioActive Media™ or BAM, enable the landfill operator to meet site-specific regulatory criteria surrounding air pollution control rules while meeting their expectations for capital and operating expenditures.
When fully operational in June of 2017, the project will represent one of MV's largest H2SPlus System installations to date.
MV's first landfill gas project in Massachusetts is designed to treat 1300 SCFM (37 cubic metres) of LFG with a H2S concentration of 1600 ppm down to 200 ppm of H2S. The landfill will incorporate a two-vessel H2SPlus System and is expected to remove approximately 100 tons (91 tonnes) of SO2 from the site's emission on an annual basis. Completion of the project is expected in December 2016 and will ensure compliance with Massachusetts specific emission standards.
"At expected flow rates and projected H2S concentrations, the two projects incorporating 8-vessel systems in total will require approximately 20,000 cubic feet of MV's BioActive Media on an annual replacement basis," said Tom Jones, president of MV.
"To further enable MV to realize the growing market opportunity, we are actively expanding both our domestic and international sales footprint with strategic partnerships,” he continued.
Jones also noted that MV has recently entered into business development agreements with three senior marketing representatives with extensive landfill gas experience on the east coast of the United States.
"I am also encouraged by the recent changes in the emission standards required by the EPA, which dramatically increases the number of landfills that will be required to install landfill gas collection systems," Jones added.
"As the regulations become stricter, it increases MV's opportunity to sell more treatments systems and the continued ongoing sales of the associated BAM to remove H2S from the landfill gas," he concluded.
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