Organic Waste : New grants program to increase organic waste processing in Australia

The government of Western Australia presented a new program to help improve organic waste processing capacities. Grants are now available to help Western Australian organisations develop infrastructure to process organic waste. The funding will be provided by the State Government and will be matched by the Commonwealth Government from the $57 million Food Waste for Healthy Soils Fund.
With this new measurements the Food Waste for Healthy Soils Fund aims to increase Australia's organic waste recycling from 49 per cent to 80 per cent by 2030.
According to the government the grant funding program aims to: support suitably located infrastructure to increase the diversion of organic waste from landfill; Improve the quality, safety and consistency of recycled organic waste, especially for use in the agricultural industry; and develop sustainable markets for high-value nutrient-rich compost and soil conditioners.
The recovery of organic waste is identified as a high priority in the WA Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030. Successful projects will be economically viable, will utilise best-practice methodology, know-how and technology, and will achieve value for money and maximise industry financial contributions. Expressions of interest are open from December 9, and close at 9am on Wednesday, 19 January, 2022. Late applications cannot be accepted, the statement reads.
More information can be found here.