Education & Research Key to Promoting Recycling : New Website & Branding for Global Recycling Foundation

The Global Recycling Foundation, launched at last year’s Bureau of International Recycling’s (BIR) World Recycling Convention, has unveiled a new logo and website.
According to the organisation the move reflects its identity as being crucial role recycling plays in preserving the planet’s future.
“The mission of the Global Recycling Foundation is to support the promotion of recycling, and the recycling industry, whilst supporting educational and academic studies and awareness programmes, such as Global Recycling Day, which focus on the sustainable, circular and inclusive development of recycling across the world,” explained Ranjit S Baxi, Founding President of Global Recycling Foundation and BIR President.
The website is planned to support the Global Recycling Foundation’s mission to promote recycling and the recycling industry by supporting educational and academic studies as well as inviting donations from businesses, brands and organisations who share the same goals in ensuring recycling remains at the heart of the environmental wellbeing of our planet.
“Our new website and brand identity brings this mission to life, highlighting that recycling is a global issue that we must all tackle together, fostering better practices to ensure that we play our vital part in preserving the future of our planet,” added Baxi.
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