Digitisation : Plan A launches first SaaS tool for holistic sustainability reporting

Across the EU and the UK, key ESG reporting regulations such as the EU Taxonomy or the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) now cover more than 75 percent of European companies. Regulations – and their associated reporting frameworks – are evolving faster than ever, heralding non-financial data as key business intelligence. In addition to environmental aspects ("E"), the focus is increasingly shifting to the areas of social factors ("S") and corporate governance ("G").
To simplify and standardise holistic sustainability reporting for financial institutions and VCs, the Berlin-based Greentech Plan A has developed a new SaaS tool responding to all the challenges of ESG management to cut through reporting time and safely communicate results on all facets of impact. The integrated module automates measurement, analysis, and reporting of ESG performance, providing a central data management and reporting platform. Sustainability managers within financial institutions and VCs can finally control the reporting process with their subsidiaries, portfolio companies, and suppliers through the Plan A Platform. This reduces data collection and analysis efforts to a minimum while maximising the focus on ESG impact optimisation. Reporting requirements can either be customised or follow internationally recognised standards.
New ESG module first milestone after recent Series A financing
Plan A successfully closed its Series A financing round of USD 10 million at the beginning of November only six months after their seed funding in March. In line with its mission to provide businesses with the tools they need to transform sustainability insights into positive business results, the tech company is using the fresh funds primarily to deepen the SaaS platform's calculation engine and machine learning capabilities. It will also expand the decarbonisation tooling and Scope 3 calculations for various industries. In addition to the existing software functionalities – detailed corporate carbon footprint accounting and AI-driven decarbonisation planning – Plan A is now launching the ESG performance measurement, analysis, and reporting tool. This will be continuously developed to extend it to more sectors, take into account all existing regulations, and anticipate future regulatory changes.