Recycling up to 90% at Glasgow Airport, Scotland
Glasgow Airport has increased its recycling rate to 90% through measures including introducing a terminal recycling system. The airport made the Resource Efficiency Pledge, coordinated by Zero Waste Scotland programme Resource Efficient Scotland, which asks businesses and organisations to commit to reducing their impact on the environment by making better use of energy, water and raw materials. Since making a Resource Efficiency Pledge, Glasgow Airport has introduced a new terminal recycling system, with double bins which separate general waste from recycling. This new system has also reduced contamination of recycling bins across the campus, saving the airport over £8,000 per year. The airport has also introduced a number of new energy efficiency measures including improvements to air conditioning systems and the incorporation of new LED lighting, said to have resulted in more than 730 tonnes of annual carbon savings. Boots the Chemist, JD Wetherspoons, Delware North, World Duty Free and Discover Glasgow have now also made a Resource Efficiency Pledge. Iain Gulland, chief executive of Zero Waste Scotland, said: “I hope to see the campus working together in the future to continue on this green journey and become as sustainable as possible.”### ### Read more 40,000 tpa waste to energy project in Scotland to use gasification/RDF