Introducing the Event of the Year for the Global Waste Industry : Rethinking Waste - Introducing The Global Resource Expo and Forum

With the global pandemic settling in for the long-haul, we’re all missing our industry events. But as one door closes, another opens. RETHINKING WASTE (RW) is a virtual expo and forum presented by ISWA and Waste Management World and powered by WEKA Industrie Medien.

We have digitised the exhibition experience, allowing us to deliver a programme packed with expert panels, direct video-chats, breakout sessions, and even an awards ceremony. We invite you to stroll through our exhibition space and network with peers and organisations alike.

RETHINKING WASTE is open for all those interested or working in waste management. It is organised over the course of two days to ensure registrants from all over the world will have the opportunity to attend the live events, but have also enabled sessions to be recorded and available for replay.

Our themes include:

Collection and Handling

Biological Waste Treatment


Waste to Energy

Green Recovery

Closing Dumpsites.

In light of the unfortunate cancellation of the ISWA World Congress due to Covid-19, we expect around 1,500-2,000 waste industry professionals from all over the world.

Join here for more information

RETHINKING WASTE will be held on meetyoo, the leading Platform for Live-Internet-Events.