Contract Acquisitions : Six New Waste & Recycling Contracts Starting for Urbaser in UK

Environmental services company Urbaser is acquiring six waste management contracts from Amey, with a portfolio value of over £30 million per annum.
According to Urbaser, the contracts involve the provision of waste and recycling collection, street cleansing and grounds maintenance services for Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council (SMBC), Gloucester City Council, Selby District Council and Eden District Council, as well as the management of nine Household Waste and Recycling Centres (HWRCs) for Northamptonshire County Council and four HWRCs for Central Bedfordshire Council.
The contract with SMBC also includes the management of an HWRC and a Waste Transfer Station.
The handover of all contracts will start in the first quarter of 2021 and a large proportion of staff will TUPE transfer to Urbaser.
Javier Peiro, Managing Director, Urbaser Ltd said: “The acquisition of the six waste management contracts from Amey complements our existing operations and fits perfectly with our growth plans in the UK marketplace.
“We welcome our new customers and our new team members. We look forward to maintaining the same high standards for local residents in delivering these essential services. We have extensive experience in all these service areas, nationally and internationally, and we are very pleased to establish a stronger presence in the North and the West of England.”
Zak Houlahan, Business Director for Amey, added: “We are focused on working together with Urbaser on a smooth transition and are confident Urbaser will continue to deliver the high standard that our clients and customers have come to expect. I’d like to thank our teams for their commitment and hard work, especially during the current pandemic, to keep services running at all times, and I wish them well for the future.”