Alupro Working Towards ‘Widely Recycled’ Status for More Waste Materials : UK Councils Recycling More Aerosols and Aluminium Foil

The number of local authorities collecting empty aerosol containers for recycling has increased from 87 to 96 percent in the UK, according to new figures published by the Aluminium Packaging Recycling Organisation, Alupro.
The figures also show that over the past three years the number of councils collecting aluminium foil for recycling increased from just 35% of councils in 2007 to 86%.
Alupro provides local authorities with free materials to explain how to recycle empty aerosols, household foil and foil containers.
“We have also worked with councils and their service providers to dispel some of the myths about these materials being ‘difficult’ to recycle,” explained Rick Hindley, executive director of Alupro.
Foil currently has 'Widely Recycled at Recycling Points: Check Locally for Kerbside' status under the On-Pack Recycling Label scheme.
Once 75% of local authorities collect a material at the kerbside, this message changes to 'Widely Recycled', which consumers are said to find much easier to act on.
“The latest Alupro statistics on kerbside collections indicate foil is now also eligible for Widely Recycled status,” commented Jane Bevis, chair of the On-Pack Recycling Label, OPRL.
“We look forward to WRAP confirmation of this in our 2016 guidelines update, since we know 7 in 10 consumers act on this clear recyclability advice when they see it. 500 brands use our labels across hundreds of thousands of products, so that can make a real difference,” she added.
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