Dial A Dump Industries’ Proposes “World’s Largest” Energy from Waste Facility : VIDEO: 1m TPA Waste to Energy Plant Planned for Sydney, Australia

Australian waste management firm, Dial A Dump Industries, is aiming to obtain approval from the Planning Assessment Commission for the “world’s largest” waste to energy facility at the Eastern Creek industrial estate.
The company said that it is confident it will secure permission for the proposed facility which will be located next to its Genesis recycling facility.
The proposal for the Eastern Creek Energy from Waste facility, which includes:
The construction and operation of an energy from waste facility
Thermal treatment of up to 1 million tonnes of waste per year
A boiler house, steam driven turbines and air emissions stacks
An electrically powered feed-stock conveyor from the existing Genesis waste management facility.
“There is not one solution to waste. Genesis is already playing an important role in recycling and re-using Sydney’s building and demolition waste and our sophisticated and environmentally responsible, clean Energy from Waste facility will operate alongside the current operations,” commented Dial A Dump Industries’ chief executive, Ian Malouf.
“We will use residue building and demolition wastes that would otherwise be landfilled to generate electricity for 200,000 homes across Sydney, providing a secure, long-term supplement to western Sydney’s energy demands,” he continued.
However, Malouf added: “It is regrettable that a small group is running a scare campaign about what they say are the potential impacts of the facility. Their claims are just plain wrong.”
According to the company, the Next Generation facility will be built to the latest European and Australian engineering and environmental standards. This would Include technology that captures any particulate matter and adsorbs heavy metals and dioxins, while cleaning any gases before they reach the atmosphere.
The company added that this would mean that outputs would be below the limits set out by the NSW Environmental Protection Agency and the very strict European directives, and in many cases would not even be detectable. The facility’s pollution controls will be monitored by the EPA 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
“Emissions from the facility will have less impact than a person holding a burning sparkler at a birthday party, emitting less chloride, dust and nitrous oxides,” said Malouf.
He added that “by converting residual waste into power, the facility will prevent the release of 3 million tonnes of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and divert over 1 million tonnes of waste from landfill each year”.
It is expected the waste to energy project will create 500 construction jobs each year during construction and more jobs, both direct and indirect in the local community when operational.
“To limit the impact on the road network a conveyor transport system will be built to transport the waste that is sourced directly on-site from Genesis,” said Malouf.
The facility will also include an educational centre where the company intends to provide tours of the existing and proposed facility’s to educate schools and community groups on the importance of sustainability, recycling and energy from waste technology.
A video outlining the proposals can be viewed below.
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