VIDEO: Danish Waste to Energy Ski Slope to Blow Smoke Rings

Archiexpo has published a video looking at the Amager Bakke waste to energy facility currently under construction in Copenhagen, Denmark. Once complete it 2016, it will be the largest waste to energy facility in Denmark and will feature a ski slope on the roof, as well as the world’s tallest climbing wall. According to Archiexpo, in addition to the recreational facilities, the plant will feature a smokestack that will emit a giant smoke ring every time 250kg of CO2 is released into the atmosphere. The smoke rings will be 25 metres in diameter and 3 metres in height. As they cool the water vapour in the gas will make the rings visible for a time before dissolving. The system works by using an elastic mechanism that slowly fills with vapour. Once 250kg of carbon dioxide has been released the mechanism opens to allow the smoke ring to rise into the atmosphere. The exhaust system has been designed by Berlin, Germany based Realities United, and is intended to serve as a visual reminder of the result of our endless consumption and waste. For more on this project don’t miss the July/August issue of Waste Management World where Tore Hulgaard, Lasse Tobiasen and Inger Anette Søndergaard from engineering consultants Ramboll explain the finer details. The video detailing the system can be seen below. [youtube:| Read More VIDEO: Architect Discusses Copenhagen’s Amager Bakke Waste to Energy Ski Slope Danish Architect, Bjarke Ingels, has appeared in a video explaining his design methods for Copenhagen’s Amager Bakke waste to energy facility, which will feature a ski slope on the roof once complete. BIG Waste to Energy Ski Slope Under Construction Construction work has begun on a waste to energy facility which will incorporate a 1500 metre ski slope and blow giant smoke rings over the Danish city of Copenhagen. The Mixed MSW Washing Machine: Denmark's New Fairy Tale? Copenhagen is famous for many things. Perhaps most notable among them is the unimposing statue of the Little Mermaid from Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale. But mermaids aren't the only fairy tale in town. Denmark's capital city is also famous for pioneering modern waste to energy technology. Babcock & Wilcox Volund to Danish Supply Waste to Energy Ski Slope Waste to energy technology supplier, Babcock & Wilcox Volund has received its largest single contract from the innovative Amager Bakke project in Copenhagen, which will feature a ski slope on its roof.]