30kW Onsite Power, 60 kW Heat and Cooling from Biowaste : VIDEO: Small Scale Tri-Generation System Uses Waste Gasification

German micro power generation technology developer, ENTRADE, has launched a biowaste powered tri-generation high temperature gasification system for providing power, heat and cooling.
The mass produced, sub £200,000 system is claimed to be the world’s smallest combined cooling, heat and power (CCHP) unit fuelled by regional available biomass waste.
The technology is said to be based on a high-temperature, carbon-neutral and highly efficient gasification process.
It uses solid biomass waste to generates up to 30 kW of electricity, 60 kW of heating and/or cooling up to 30 kW of cooling, said to beenough for 22 American single family homes, a small production facility or even a village in developing countries.
ENTRADE said that one E3 unit is a turnkey solution small enough to be easily transportable on a pickup truck.
So far over 100 types of solid waste are certified for use in the system, including nut shells and other regional biomass.
“Here it is: The world’s smallest tri-generation power plant fuelled by waste, that will have a huge impact on the everyday-life of millions of people without any access to clean energy,” said ’ Julien Uhlig, ENTRADE’s CEO.
“The strong demand out of the world market is a hint to be sure that it’s an idea whose time has come,” he continued. “The E3 is ready to go into mass production.”
The company plans to produce up to 45 units per month with a target of 600 units in 2016.
An interview with Julien Uhlig can be viewed below.
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