Anaerobic Digestion to Inject Gas-to-Grid : WELTEC Starts Work on 80,000 TPA Food Waste to Biogas Plant in Yorkshire

WELTEC BIOPOWER anaerobic digestion biogas biomethane food waste

German biogas plant manufacturer WELTEC BIOPOWER has started building a food waste to biomethane plant near Pontefract, West Yorkshire, UK for Lanes Farm Energy - a biogas-to-grid project developed by Aqua Consultants.

The plant is expected to go live in late 2019 and deliver around 7.3 million m³ of biomethane to the UK gas distribution network, sufficient to supply some 9600 households with sustainable energy.

The locally sourced feedstocks contribute to the project‘s sustainability emphasises Dr. Kevin Monson, Sales Manager at WELTEC UK. Food waste accounts for more than half of the 80,000 tpa of substrate.Additionally, there is cattle and chicken manure as well as grass silage and hybrid rye.

The solids are fed through two walking-floor feed hoppers with 110m³ and 220 m³, and two MULTIMix units, which remove foreign objects, liquefies, shreds and macerates incoming solids to make them into an easily pumpable mixed liquid that is easy to digest.

“The mashing and shredding process will make sure that the bacteria can access the substances in the digester faster and will reduce the energy required for mixing,” explained Carsten Hesselfeld, Sales Engineer at WELTEC UK.

Gas production will take place in four stainless-steel digesters with a height of 8.8 m and an above-average capacity of 6848 m³ each.

WELTEC said that it decided to implement membrane upgrading to transform the biogas into high-quality biomethane. In a separation process comprising several stages, the raw biogas will be refined efficiently without methane slip. Through this process, around 850 standard m³ of biomethane that is suitable for feed-in will be produced every hour.

Additionally, the biomethane production will yield digestate, which can be used as high-quality fertiliser, returning organic material and nutrients to the land. It will first be pasteurised and separated.

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