Metal Separation : Innovative incineration bottom ash add-on for STEINERT non-ferrous metals separators

Incineration bottom ash sometimes involves major differences in material. STEINERT Splitcontrol counteracts this by automatically regulating the belt speed.

Incineration bottom ash sometimes involves major differences in material. STEINERT Splitcontrol counteracts this by automatically regulating the belt speed.


STEINERT Splitcontrol, the latest add-on for STEINERT eddy current separators, optimises the sorting quality of incineration bottom ash and other fine grain applications. This automatic control technology counteracts changes in material properties such as residual moisture, particle shape or conductivity. Splitcontrol ensures consistently high yields and high operational stability. Manual intervention to correct the split is reduced to a minimum.

STEINERT Splitcontrol can be added as an option when configuring a new STEINERT non-ferrous metal separator. Retrofitting is also possible. This versatility allows users to better exploit the potential of existing systems or to benefit from the advantages of Splitcontrol from the outset.

STEINERT EddyC with Splitcontrol. For maximum sorting efficiency in incineration bottom ash and fine-grain applications.


This is how STEINERT Splitcontrol works

A laser grid is used to monitor the variance of the sorted product in the discharge zone of the eddy current separator. The different discharge parabolas of the conductive non-ferrous metals and the unaffected non-conductive residue (drop) are assigned by software. Automatic control of the belt speed ensures that the drop parabola is always close to the separator, so that the sorter can always be run to achieve optimum separation.

Benefits at a glance

  • Consistent product quality: The automatic control function continuously monitors and adjusts the separation, ensuring a consistently high level of sorting quality. Variable material properties are counteracted and optimum metal yield is achieved at all times.
  • More stable production and improved operational reliability: The automated control technology greatly reduces the risk of subjective, incorrect manual adjustments.
  • Reduced operator effort: Less manual intervention is required to correct the slitter, minimising the need for labour.
  • Modular control: up to four eddy current separators can be controlled by a single STEINERT Splitcontrol unit.

Simple installation and maintenance

Splitcontrol kits can be installed in a matter of hours. They are mounted on the outside of the sortation system and usually require minimal modifications to the outer shell.

Maintenance and cleaning of the Splitcontrol add-on are also simple and efficient tasks: a removable housing allows access from the outside, so that all necessary work can be carried out while the splitter is still running. This minimises downtime and maximises productivity.

Installation and maintenance are incredibly simple. The STEINERT Splitcontrol add-on can be retrofitted to existing units as well.
Installation and maintenance are incredibly simple. The STEINERT Splitcontrol add-on can be retrofitted to existing units as well. - © STEINERT