Women in Waste Management : Global survey on women in waste management

Women of Waste (WOW!) is a task force putting women in the industry in the spotlight. There are women pioneers, activists, researchers, policymakers, as well as high-level managers and ministers of government. ""Women are out there, but just not very visible", the founders say. "Furthermore, women still face very real challenges. The range of barriers to women’s full participation is broad: from a lack of well-fitting safety equipment, to persistent bias in legislation, culture and gender roles, to harassment and even physical assault at dumpsites. Women of Waste wants to change that."
In order to get a better picture of the situation of women in the waste and resources management industry, the group just launched their second global survey. “We know that women, across all countries and backgrounds, have many common aspirations but there also many serious concerns about working in the waste sector, so our second survey is an attempt to measure these on a global level.” explains Maria Tsakona, WOW! Task Force Leader. “At a time when we provide vital services for healthy habitats and the circular economy; it makes no sense for any part of the workforce to be held back. The survey results can help to identify any gaps, barriers, and the priorities that need addressing.”
The WOW! Global Survey II asks women about their work experience, their ambitions, and what they might need to advance and flourish. It can be taken and shared online, and is currently available in English with other languages to follow.