Circular Economy : "Cork by Cork" campaign launches in Valongo to promote cork recycling

On November 15, the Municipality of Valongo, Portugal, and LIPOR kicked off the "Cork by Cork" campaign, encouraging cork stopper recycling with the help of local restaurants, cafes, hotels, and bakeries (HORECA sector).
Mayor José Manuel Ribeiro, who is also Chairman of the Board of LIPOR, joined the launch to support the initiative. In its first phase, 65 HORECA businesses in Valongo will join, with a goal of involving 700 establishments by campaign’s end.
So far, 653 establishments across six municipalities have collected 1,256 kg of corks—over 251,000 stoppers—preventing 287 kg of CO2 emissions. For every 50 corks collected, one native tree will be planted, contributing to reforestation efforts in Portugal.
This project, supported by Quercus, BA Vidro, Amorim, and Extruplás, aligns recycling with climate action, fostering the circular economy and reducing emissions.