Cleanaway Waste Management Upgrades Recycling Capabilities in Perth : BHS to Install 50 TPH Comingled Material Recycling Facility in Perth, Australia

Eugene, Oregon based recycling equipment manufacturer, Bulk Handling Systems (BHS) is to design, engineer, manufacture and install a 50 tonne per hour (tph) commingled Material Recycling Facility for Cleanaway Waste Management Ltd in Perth, Australia.
BHS explained that the system will feature a variety of advanced recovery technologies to achieve high rates of throughput, increase the purity and recovery of recycled commodities, and minimise labour, and is expected to be operational by April next year.
The MRF will include BHS Tri-Disc™ screens, such as Debris Roll Screens, which the company said are deployed to quickly remove the material’s high glass content, which is then purified by two Nihot Single Drum Separators.
NRT optical sorters will also play a large role in maximising end-product quality. Two ColorPlus™ optical sorters remove any cardboard from the news stream while six SpydIR® optical units target containers to both capture and control the quality of PET, HDPE and mixed plastics. In total, more than 95% recyclable commodities that enter the system are expected to be recovered.
BHS said that once operational Cleanaway will be able to process more material and recover a higher percentage of recyclables than it is currently capable of achieving with two antiquated systems that will be decommissioned as the new MRF comes online.
“This project will see us replace our existing metro based Materials Recycling Facilities with a best-in-class, ‘super MRF’ which will deliver a capacity and capability, unmatched in the Perth market,” commented Bhavna Torul, Cleanaway’s Perth Metro branch manager.
David Williamson, Cleanaway general manager, Western Australia added: “This will be a world class recycling facility providing unmatched capabilities not only for households but also business and industry. Cleanaway was the first to introduce a MRF to WA in 1988 and we look forward to continuing to lead the way in recycling and landfill diversion.”
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