3MW Biogas Plant Located on Cattle Farm in Bitola : First Anaerobic Digestion Biogas Plant Opened in Macedonia
The first organic waste to biogas anaerobic digestion facility in Macedonia has been officially opened by the country’s Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, Mihail Cvetkov.
Located on a cattle farm in Bitola, the 3 MW biogas plant represents a EUR 20 million investment by the Pelagonija agricultural company.
“I hope there will be similar investments in agriculture in the future with funds provided by the budget,” said Minister Cvetkov.
“I.E. direct investments projected at over EUR 100 million and the rural development program from which EUR 50 million are singled aside every year. The third financial source is the IPARD 2 program estimated at EUR 106 million,” he added.
The biogas plant offers state-of-the-art environmental-friendly solution by processing manure with which 3-megawatt power will be produced.
“Renewable energy is generated with this system. This domestic investment takes care of the environment, the production process and quality products,” said Bitola mayor Vladimir Taleski.
He added that the investment was a confirmation of the cooperation established between the local self-government, the government and investors.
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