WRAP Provides £30,000 for Trial with South Northamptonshire Council : Food Waste Communications Campaign Test Run in Northamptonshire

In the UK South Northamptonshire Council (SNC) is using £30,000 of funding from the Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) to test advertising campaign material aimed at increasing food waste collections.
The council explained that the project is aimed at finding out the best way of communicating the food waste recycling message. Stickers and leaflets will be delivered direct to 37,000 South Northants homes, adverts will be placed on petrol pumps, buses, mobile billboards, and in local papers and magazines.
As part of the campaign SNC recycling officers will be appearing at school assemblies, posters will be displayed in public areas, and Brackley Town Football Club and Towcester Racecourse will also host campaign banners.
In addition many of those ordering a takeaway in the district over the next few weeks will also receive campaign messages via specially printed containers supplied to restaurants.
"We do have a good recycling rate of around 60%, but we know a lot more food waste can be recycled,” said Councillor Dermot Bambridge, SNC's portfolio holder for environmental services. "Putting waste food out for collection each week in the caddies we provide is not only good for the environment but it also helps keep down the council's costs.’
The majority of the promotion will take place during the first two weeks of March and every home should have received something by Friday, 11 March. Campaign messages include:
Food waste breaks down in landfill creating methane, a harmful greenhouse gas
No amount too small. Start by recycling your teabags and coffee grounds
Food waste is recycled into energy to power our homes.
To measure the success of the campaign SNC said that its recycling officers will be closely monitoring food caddies in the build-up, during and after the promotion, and door-to-door research among a representative sample of properties will take place once it has ended.
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